I am attempting to be more disciplined but I did not go swimming last night. Time just slipped past me as I was trying to fix my laptop (my Skype is running too slowly)... but with a few exceptions I am going to the gym and pool almost every day these days... it is part of a self-imposed "discipline" a Spartan revival of sorts in preparation for big challenges that are looming around the corner. “Mens sana in corpore sano”.
The topic of this blog came up as I reminisced about the day I was having a cup of coffee with a dear friend about two weeks ago. In the middle of our conversation and without pretensions on my side, the following phrase slipped from my mouth:
“You know something my dear… change is the only constant in my life”.
But as I said that, she interrupted me in the only way she knows how to interrupt, that is, very gracefully. She repeated my words slowly looked straight at me and smiled.
“I love what you just said”, her eyes sparkled with admiration “change is the only constant in your life”.
At that point she made me reflect and those words echoed with meaning!
“Yes, so true” I said, “as paradoxical as it sounds, change is the only constant in my life; I feel like a rolling stone for I will never gather moss”.
Considering the deleterious consequences of my inability to grow mo$$ as the privileged do, I would say that my remark is an accurate assessment of how I have lived my life so far.
My friend is such a precious gem, those that pirates like Eaglehook would like to retain very dearly at any favorite port! If I were to describe her most prominent attributes, I would certainly include her enchanting femininity and alluring scent! Oh my goodness …. Hot, hot “candela mujer”! I love the way she makes me feel important and much wiser than I truly am!
For those of you who are not familiar with my blog, Eaglehook the pirate is the main character of a spicy fairy tale I have started and that is still on the works. He is a survivor, and for that he needs to be responsive to change otherwise he will be defeated by the witch of prejudice. He is committed to save the Queen (of all desires) from this hideous witch, but instead got himself trapped by a platoon of three-headed hounds and grotesque goblins sent by the witch. Now he lays captured in a dark dungeon, left to rot!
Eaglehook not unlike his utmost foe, the witch, is also a master of deception; I am certain that he will get himself out of that hole. He has the unbending will of a hero and lives his life accordingly. He is resolute to the point that he would be willing to sacrifice his flesh and in turn have his invincible spirit execute his ultimate maneuver to save his loving Queen.
I admire his high standards and tonight I wish take him out of the dungeon so that we can learn from him in a different way... Let’s recall what I wrote about him back in April last year, on the episode called “The Witch of Prejudice”.
Fly to burn (cm Apr/09)
For a taste of your black magic
Wicked witch let me succumb;
And be devoured by the rats
That infest in your filthy dungeon.
You have captured me in good time;
Go ahead and let me die
For the flesh that you have caught
Lives a the spirit of a moth
Thwart your plan is my delight
Spin and gyre round your lamp
Wings in smoke I drop my poison
Drink to implode your wicked soul.
There you go, that was a snapshot of his spirit - cheers, to you Eaglehook.
A world traveler, he has circumnavigated the oceans countless times. That is why when I think of him I imagine him provisioning the “Black Pearl” in preparation for his next adventure. Of course along with his dozen crew of loyal buccaneers, who as the story goes are half-human and half-ghost for they have been cursed to remain in that amorphous stated by the wicket witch herself!
The topic of this blog came up as I reminisced about the day I was having a cup of coffee with a dear friend about two weeks ago. In the middle of our conversation and without pretensions on my side, the following phrase slipped from my mouth:
“You know something my dear… change is the only constant in my life”.
But as I said that, she interrupted me in the only way she knows how to interrupt, that is, very gracefully. She repeated my words slowly looked straight at me and smiled.
“I love what you just said”, her eyes sparkled with admiration “change is the only constant in your life”.
At that point she made me reflect and those words echoed with meaning!
“Yes, so true” I said, “as paradoxical as it sounds, change is the only constant in my life; I feel like a rolling stone for I will never gather moss”.
Considering the deleterious consequences of my inability to grow mo$$ as the privileged do, I would say that my remark is an accurate assessment of how I have lived my life so far.
My friend is such a precious gem, those that pirates like Eaglehook would like to retain very dearly at any favorite port! If I were to describe her most prominent attributes, I would certainly include her enchanting femininity and alluring scent! Oh my goodness …. Hot, hot “candela mujer”! I love the way she makes me feel important and much wiser than I truly am!
For those of you who are not familiar with my blog, Eaglehook the pirate is the main character of a spicy fairy tale I have started and that is still on the works. He is a survivor, and for that he needs to be responsive to change otherwise he will be defeated by the witch of prejudice. He is committed to save the Queen (of all desires) from this hideous witch, but instead got himself trapped by a platoon of three-headed hounds and grotesque goblins sent by the witch. Now he lays captured in a dark dungeon, left to rot!
Eaglehook not unlike his utmost foe, the witch, is also a master of deception; I am certain that he will get himself out of that hole. He has the unbending will of a hero and lives his life accordingly. He is resolute to the point that he would be willing to sacrifice his flesh and in turn have his invincible spirit execute his ultimate maneuver to save his loving Queen.
I admire his high standards and tonight I wish take him out of the dungeon so that we can learn from him in a different way... Let’s recall what I wrote about him back in April last year, on the episode called “The Witch of Prejudice”.
Fly to burn (cm Apr/09)
For a taste of your black magic
Wicked witch let me succumb;
And be devoured by the rats
That infest in your filthy dungeon.
You have captured me in good time;
Go ahead and let me die
For the flesh that you have caught
Lives a the spirit of a moth
Thwart your plan is my delight
Spin and gyre round your lamp
Wings in smoke I drop my poison
Drink to implode your wicked soul.
There you go, that was a snapshot of his spirit - cheers, to you Eaglehook.
A world traveler, he has circumnavigated the oceans countless times. That is why when I think of him I imagine him provisioning the “Black Pearl” in preparation for his next adventure. Of course along with his dozen crew of loyal buccaneers, who as the story goes are half-human and half-ghost for they have been cursed to remain in that amorphous stated by the wicket witch herself!