Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Carta a una musa - Por ser viento eres mi alimento

Esta es una carta a una amiga anónima - escrita en Mayo del 2007 cuando vivía en Edmonton, Alberta,  En esa época recién el personaje de Eaglehook comenzaba a moldearse: 

Aprovecho para comentar que admito ser un poco raro - por que a veces me comunico con metáforas, sarcasmos, ironías, eufemismos y demás figuras retóricas.  Es que en realidad tengo una necesidad enorme de expresar mis sentimientos y la palabra escrita me limpia el alma, me tranquiliza y me ayuda a poner mi vida en perspectiva. 

Casi "mato" al pirata-tiburón (cara de hombre y mano peluda) en mi "Farewell del Marinero".  No se si te diste cuenta pero no tuve coraje de ahogarlo; lo deje naufrago pero buscando salvavidas… de ahí que es una historia inconclusa… A mi me gusta ese personaje pero no se encaja dentro de lo que soy en esencia… me gusta que me las mujeres me miren un tanto arrogante – algo que yo no puedo; quizás por la vanidad de sentir que el marinero acumula trofeos contando sus conquistas.  

Una interpretación mas exacta de mi poema vino de una amiga peruana que me escribió diciendo que posiblemente ese corsario debe tener un amor  real, sincero, dejado a un lado por tanto viaje, una mujer ya no tan joven que lo espera fiel y anhelante... aun sintiendo dentro de ella que el no volverá, y a pesar de ser triste la razón, prefiere creer que es la muerte quien lo aleja de ella y no la voluntad del marinero.

Lo que vale en todo esto es como ya dije, es que no tuve coraje de ahogarlo…  Un día de estos me animo y le tiro una soga para sacarlo de su miseria! ¿Qué te parece,  trazo un final feliz  junto a su doncella olvidada?

O lo dejo ahí a la deriva para que lo recoja Santiago, el protagonista de "El Viejo y el Mar" de Hemingway; para que le enseñe de una vez por todas a dejar de ser facineroso y lo adiestre a transformarse en un verdadero hombre del mar.

¿Y adonde estas tu en todo esto? -  Eres el viento que mueve los molinos que ponen en marcha mis sentimientos en palabras. 

Ser musa de un marinero provoco un despertar fugaz, intenso y bello – son pocas las mujeres que me inspiran;  eso lo digo yo y no el marinero.   Que a pesar de imposible siento el calor que me une a ti a tanta distancia. 

Soy feliz por que es inolvidable haberme rendido al subconsciente y darle control de mis riendas, apuntando sus mensajes en palabras, sin significado concreto, inesperado, irracional o lo que salga.  Por eso te digo ¡que por ser viento eres mi alimento! Gracias amiga.

Por eso que no te preocupes que sea un poco raro… no pienses mucho en mi que yo me ocupo de eso… ya te dije me gustas perfumada, sonriente, y dispuesta a soñar libremente…aun que todo se quede en solo palabras.

Este es el original de "Chupentanga en alto mar - Recuerdos del LLaoca" que menciono en la carta a mi musa anónima:

Adios al Marinero,

Me inspire en el Farewell de Neruda, pero no precisamente en el niñito que se aleja al final y que nos hace a todos llorar…. Esta es la historia  del adiós al  marinero de Farewell … ese que caletea de puerto en puerto, y de puerto en farra; ese que no encontró a quien decirle adiós ni nadie que lo despida.
Como nos decía el Maestro Neruda…”En cada puerto una mujer espera…los marineros besan y se van. (Una noche se acuestan con la muerte en el lecho del mar.)”

•"chupentanga" - palabra mía que significa embriagarse.
•"chalacas" son guapas hembras que habitan Callao, 
   puerto principal del Perú 
•"abirrinchado" es olor fuerte a letrina - 
   hedor a orín impregnado en el ambiente.

Farewell al marinero…  (recuerdos de una angioplastia…)
(Cesar Macher)

Tesoro y Chupentanga :
Armado con dientes de tiburón y con brazos de pulpo
Atiborro de cebiches, ron con anticuchos.
Todas las noches el corsario pinta sueños
chalacas desplumadas escondidas en bodega.

Navega por mares lejanos a donde fuera.
Empuña el timón contra el empuje de corrientes peligrosas
El mástil de palo duro en péndulo resiste al jale de la quilla
Cada cresta amenaza arrancar la proa que él valiente incrusta
Rompe olas.

Sin rumbo:
Confundido por los años ya va tuerto el marinero
Tufo de ron, hedor de colchón abirrinchado duerme 
Orina fuera de borda e infla sus velas
Buscando viento en popa a donde fuera
Con resaca eructa vinagrera

A la deriva :
Su pecho fatigo las tuberías, olvidado sin recuerdos
Excretando pestilente lodo por sus bridas
Atorado flota nauseabundo de asco a la deriva
Dolorido, rajado y buscando salvavidas
Para despedirme les dejo otro bosquejo mio también de la época de Edmonton

La rueda del olvido (CM)

En circulo desfilan los recuerdos
Giran al compás de un danzar eterno,
En ritmo alegre retumban descargando corriente,
Sinfónica cosquilla que estremece-envuelve

Al cruzar deja un embriagante encanto
Que arranca ansias y nostalgias vivas.
Pero de costumbre castiga a la salida
Dejando siempre vació al punto de partida 

Lentamente se llena una lagrima
Que al resbalar evoca regrese
Se instale centinela dulce melancolía. 
Que sin ti el círculo no completaría.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Change (the only constant)

     I am attempting to be more disciplined but I did not go swimming last night.  Time just slipped past me as I was trying to fix my laptop (my Skype is running too slowly)... but with a few exceptions I am going to the gym and pool almost every day these days... it is part of a self-imposed "discipline" a Spartan revival of sorts in preparation for big challenges that are looming around the corner. “Mens sana in corpore sano”.
     The topic of this blog came up as I reminisced about the day I was having a cup of coffee with a dear friend about two weeks ago.  In the middle of our conversation and without pretensions on my side, the following phrase slipped from my mouth:
    “You know something my dear… change is the only constant in my life”. 
     But as I said that, she interrupted me in the only way she knows how to interrupt, that is, very gracefully.  She repeated my words slowly looked straight at me and smiled.
     “I love what you just said”, her eyes sparkled with admiration “change is the only constant in your life”. 
     At that point she made me reflect and those words echoed with meaning!
   “Yes, so true” I said, “as paradoxical as it sounds, change is the only constant in my life; I feel like a rolling stone for I will never gather moss”. 
Considering the deleterious consequences of my inability to grow mo$$ as the privileged do, I would say that my remark is an accurate assessment of how I have lived my life so far.
    My friend is such a precious gem, those that pirates like Eaglehook would like to retain very dearly at any favorite port!  If I were to describe her most prominent attributes, I would certainly include her enchanting femininity and alluring scent!  Oh my goodness …. Hot, hot  “candela mujer”!   I love the way she makes me feel important and much wiser than I truly am! 
     For those of you who are not familiar with my blog, Eaglehook the pirate is the main character of a spicy fairy tale I have started and that is still on the works.  He is a survivor, and for that he needs to be responsive to change otherwise he will be defeated by the witch of prejudice.  He is committed to save the Queen (of all desires) from this hideous witch, but instead got himself trapped by a platoon of three-headed hounds and grotesque goblins sent by the witch.  Now he lays captured in a dark dungeon, left to rot! 
     Eaglehook not unlike his utmost foe, the witch, is also a master of deception; I am certain that he will get himself out of that hole.  He has the unbending will of a hero and lives his life accordingly. He is resolute to the point that he would be willing to sacrifice his flesh and in turn have his invincible spirit execute his ultimate maneuver to save his loving Queen.
     I admire his high standards and tonight I wish take him out of the dungeon so that we can learn from him in a different way... Let’s recall what I wrote about him back in April last year, on the episode called “The Witch of Prejudice”. 

Fly to burn (cm Apr/09)
For a taste of your black magic
Wicked witch let me succumb;
And be devoured by the rats
That infest in your filthy dungeon.
You have captured me in good time;
Go ahead and let me die
For the flesh that you have caught
Lives a the spirit of a moth
Thwart your plan is my delight
Spin and gyre round your lamp
Wings in smoke I drop my poison
Drink to implode your wicked soul.

     There you go, that was a snapshot of his spirit - cheers, to you Eaglehook. 

A world traveler, he has circumnavigated the oceans countless times. That is why when I think of him I imagine him provisioning the “Black Pearl” in preparation for his next adventure. Of course along with his dozen crew of loyal buccaneers, who as the story goes are half-human and half-ghost for they have been cursed to remain in that amorphous stated by the wicket witch herself!    

Friday, May 14, 2010

Response to Laura: Words

Laura, thanks for posting on my entry Potpourri , I am glad that you liked what I wrote and I also know that it takes courage to post something for the first time. Sometimes I receive accolades from people who read my stuff but only a few leave a record for others to read. 
I like to read, but not only poetry… I even enjoy “reading” a finished sudoku puzzle and gratify myself with the accomplishment!  
In Spanish for instance, I like the work from my Peruvian compatriot Cesar Vallejos, and all the verses of the great master Neruda (the Chilean Olympian of words) – who now rejoices among the elites of the Olympus and sits at the same table with Zeus together with Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allan Poe and other classics of the English language.…Yes, I enjoy reading but likewise I also indulge in eating, sleeping, or walking a dog if one is available!
A lot of people tell me that I should do this or that and some have venture telling me that I should write for a living . Wow! I have even thought of joining poetry circles on the various places I have lived; to hang out with those who may think of themselves as being more equal than the rest. But I prefer the anonymity of the internet, of mingling with the masses, plebeians, drunken poets, bohemian or anyone who loves words and uses them to express feelings or thoughts.  Blogging gives you that advantage: anyone from anywhere and from all walks of life can read your writings and you can read theirs and share thoughts (with kings and paupers just the same!) 
I don’t like pseudo-intellectuals, persons who can recite, quote and name the writing of many simply to impress others and like them much less if they have the audacity to “price tag” your work. – pompous they conduct themselves as if they possessed some divine authority to judge. Emphatically, I am suspicious of these “virtuosos” with giant memories filled with the words of others but who cannot produce meaning of their own creation.  
You may wish to enlighten your spirit by reading from the “literary giants”; or you may even want to emulate their style by virtue of their intrinsic beauty.  Yes, I agree with anyone who endorses that reading from the great writers is incredibly rewarding.
But it is not a prerequisite to “educate” your intellect with the words of others to be able to write from within - your own suffice to to connect with your soul.  The creative process of how words take meaning and how they capture the essence of thought it is an intimate experience.  In that regard, words that explain your feelings and connect to your soul are innate to the creator (the poet) and nobody else.  
I like to say that when I am inspired, I enter into a "zone", a space where words float around my mind, then I filter them through my heart, choose them like picking cherries, and then compose for meaning.
Impostors who insensitively spew Chaucer and Joyce as to show a metric of their worth, are most certainly obtuse and deprived from understanding the true value words; particularly from the words written by the superb minds that composed the original versions they think to master – understanding comes with sensitivity, the ability to connect with meaning that flow through your senses and not from data-bank of extraneous knowledge.   
To illustrate my point, imagine a 5 year old girl tenderly holding a chick who has just hatched, stretching her arms and hands - with a smile and her eyes filled with discovery utters the word “yellow” … she has just composed her first one word poem at the age of 5.  
Now, a few seconds later she calls your attention again, and as she brings the chick close to her chest, she recites her poem for the second time and says “yellow”.  She has just concluded her act by adding meaning and sublime value to her creation, and perhaps bringing some tears in your eyes.  
I recommend you read what a Paulo Lopez who wrote on his blog about the subject.
Thanks for your visit, and come again. Cesar

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Here is a potpourri of sketches in Spanish and English
Aqui les paso un potpourri de bosquejos en Ingles y Español

Pendulum (ying-yang)
Hallucinating drank from bitter rum
Cursed the fate that came his way…
Exhausted slammed his cabin door
To be alone detached from all
Yearned to rot away till gone.
He drilled holes to sink his ship
But threw a bottle-note to sea
That to port he will not reach
To think him dead and be forgotten.

Why sink you heart so full of treasures,
You wish to go and shun your worth
Sinking there having reached nowhere
Without a fight you die in vain
Brave all your chances you are alive
Sober up and plug those holes
Float your boat and set your sails
For this journey you will not fail

The middle:
If you don’t come I will mourn you dead
Come my arms wait, but …go don’t stay
And no silly notes to announce you’re there.

Oracion al cristal al vino y la vela:
Tomo una copa de vino, mis ojos se pierden mirando tras cristal una vela que salpica colores – 
Visiones de siesta despierta… deseo que en el mundo de los días contados; que un simple soplo la vela llueva estrellas cadentes; que no falten pedidos ni se pierdan los sueños al olvido, ni tampoco resten ilusiones sin visiones.

Para pedirle al cielo mejores ficciones, deseo… que con viento que apaga una vela cansada, todo lo malo se fuera… y cuando me reencuentre a mi alma no se halle cansada.

I have nothing but my humble words to offer and pirate soul full of treasures meant for you as a measure of my breath. I beg you please take my words in their true worth tonight; for if tomorrow never comes, all the past uttered ones and now will echo in the skies for the stars to keep forever. And when you reminisce on a pirate’s flag or any sign of a one-eyed dreamer soul forgone, hope you evoke my image with the assurance that my life is infinitely real.

A taste of you
As I take this breath from you
Energized from warmth we seek to embrace
From ages left apart now held so tight
Touched our lips on this first time
A taste of you that came to life

Enchanting fragrance of surrender
Embraced in love before the stars
Spreads your warmth in million parts
Twirling petals drift our scents
A taste of you that came to life

For time took long our breaths apart
Distanced hearts far longed so much
This day to reunite what feels so right
Set us free our breaths entwine
A taste of you that came to life

Witness heavens and the Above
A love so deep the birds did cry
Locked hearts as breath entwine
Blessed with life that comes to us
A taste of you that is my life

Gota de fuego:
Cruza una gota de fuego suspensa en el aire
Luz que alumbra su marcha a lo largo
Fluye al impulso del viento que sopla p’alante
De esos movidos por sueños, de ardor por vivir
Surca una línea encendida que se hace distante
Se esfuma llevando su aliento, y envuelta un su fuego
Rastros de luz y esperanza, … puntito de alma… se va

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Druid of The North

He was a man of solemn air with white long hair and a beard. His emerald green eyes revealed the inner peace of a knowledgeable and polished soul full of wisdom and compassion.

She walked closer to greet the Druid and thought of hiding herself behind her royal demeanor and to offer him only her distant self.  However, at the exact moment she looked into his eyes, she felt drawn to his aura of immense empathy; all her inhibitions, her royal distance vanished as if she had never had them and finding herself instantly at ease.  So transparent were his eyes that she offered him her full sight in return… the way she really was without her shields. Moments passed without an exchange of words; a silence of intimate depth... as the queen began to recall the purpose of her trip she broke down in tears.

He took her hands and said in a soft calming voice “you came to me in great doubts and fears; I am here to help you, we must talk your majesty…” 

This is how the Queen and the druid made their first acquaintance. Soon she began to feel confident, a genuine sense of trust entered her heart, and for the first time in her life, she felt that she could share with someone her most protected secrets.  
They paced slowly through his village learning from each other as people greeted them courteously.  Following a road that took them to the outskirts of the town, he took her to the top of a hill where they sat by the shade of an old oak tree that overlooked golden fields of barley.  Like a lake made of silky golden stems arched by grains of plenty; the tall grassy carpet swayed gently with the west winds rolling in mellow oscillations. Caressed by the breeze, her soft skin felt wrapped by a magical freshness that brought to heart her one-eyed-pirate… she imagined herself lifted by her waist, then slipping down his arms she felt embraced - her hair streaming out to blend among the fields of gold…

       Note: The fields of barley location was inspired from a song 
      called "Fields of Gold” by Sting (Gordon Sumner) 
      featured in 'Ten Summoner's Tales' album 1993.

“My dear Queen, I dare to say that you are on a dilemma with regards to the pirate, the witch and with yourself.  Your uncertainties began to spring since you started to exchange letters with the pirate that my friendly fleet of seagulls so graciously offered to convey.  I also know of this immense climate of love that you and Eaglehook have created based on the verses he writes – Yes, Eaglehook the reckless adventurer, the gambler, the poet at heart, who dresses as a pirate to hide his giving nature and who is madly in love with you!” 
“Oh, how do you know all this?” the Queen asked in a surprised yet calm voice.  “There is very little I don’t know, my Queen.  My connections go far and deep, it is from this network that I learn the best and worst from all of you.  Your disappearance from your Queendom, the luring and the spell the witch of prejudice over you, your convenient captivity and location, were never a mystery to me.” … 


“Why did you not come to my rescue?”, the queen intervened. 
“The most compelling reason is that, albeit your captivity, the witch has allowed you to maintain a very reasonable life that eventually protected you from devastating blows you suffered in your Queendom.  I knew your royal duties obliged you to act in a stately fashion all the time forcing you to hide your real feeling simply to maintain appearances; the witch came at a proper time and the move was welcomed by you – I had no reason to interfere.  She offered you a shelter and you willingly moved to hide your soul.

  The Pirate Waits...
  Had once embarked your life 
 To share a sea as two in one
  In joy brought life thrice more
  Gale a storm so strong a squall 
  Gusts like furry it took its toll
  Broken course stood no bearing
  In pain for years you sailed alone
  A salty sea dissolved your sorrow

  A busking pirate-troubadour staged
  Scores like music strings his poems,
  Words as chords with tender tones
  Strumming songs to soothe your heart
  With words, love brings your life in tune
  Turning rocks, your efforts planted
 His own course unknown for certain
  Words like wine a pirate serves
  Drink you yearn his love sincere
  Thirst and pain your labor cost you
  Words swallow hard to trust be real
  Slumbered love you forced to rest
  In fear its course can hurt

  Words you drink with reason’s past
  Taste dreams for delusion certain
  Word you drink with heart to last
  Taste dreams and in love be certain
  Is how you drink and wish you taste
  The pirate pours his drink to savor
  Tide, wind, stars his ship to sail
  Shores his heart, his words, his soul
  He waits…

“The second reason why I did not help you gain your freedom has to do with the witch. She has been my rival for hundreds of years; my most dangerous adversary.  I dare not challenge her another time unless I have a winning formula to defeat her.  I have lost on eight occasions and each time I lost, it cost me a life!  This is my eighth life and I do not have another one to spare; if I die trying I will be gone until kingdom comes!  
“When I heard of your beautiful love story from pelican Ignatius, a common friend I have with Eaglehook, I saw a chance to defeat the dreaded witch once and for all.  But I cannot do it alone and need your cooperation”  

“Yes, I want to help”, said the Queen, “but if we get rid of the witch, I will be left unprotected, my heart will be exposed, I will be found and will have to return to My Queendom!  I am also afraid to be vulnerable to love as Eaglehook comes closer… I am afraid to fall for him although I truly want to.” 

“You will be tested my dear Queen.  The witch is aware of all your vulnerabilities, your fears, and your new found love for the pirate.  At this point, she has an enormous advantage by holding the pirate captive.  She knows for sure that you will at least attempt to set him free; although what you secretly want is to make him yours forever..."

“She plans to torture and finally kill the pirate in front of you" continues the Druid,  "to exert her dominance and make you her slave forever.  Now, if she finds out that I am helping, she will throw you in the dungeons to take revenge and force me to come to your rescue; a confrontation that if I loose will kill me – a very difficult situation...
I am sure that as we speak the witch is torturing the brave pirate, trying to find out of your whereabouts, she is relentless and her methods debilitate the strongest wills, at the end all succumb to her malevolent manipulations.  We must act fast and take advantage of all our resources, the pirate, his crew, the fairies, elves, you and I; believe me we will have to work together.  Here is my plan…”

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Remenbering Neruda - Acordandome de Neruda

Deseo compartir con ustedes uno de los poemas más conmovedores de la literatura hispana escrito por gran maestro Pablo Neruda.  Incluyo un fotomontaje con narración que encontré por acaso en YouTube que es simplemente fenomenal.  Este video lo edito Cesar Senra que dicho sea de paso tiene un  canal-vídeo muy interesante que la pueden encontrar aquí
Sin muchos rodeos vamos directo al grano. - Los invito a leer y escuchar al: 
Poema No 20 de “20 poemas de amor y una canción desesperada” por Pablo Neruda.                          
I would like to share with you one of the most moving poems of Hispanic literature written by great master Pablo Neruda.  Included is a slideshow and narration that I found by chance in YouTube that is simply phenomenal.  The video was edited by a Cesar Senra that has an interesting video channel that you can find here.
Let’s be brief and go directly to the point.  - I invite you to read and listen to:
Poem No. 20 from “20 love poems and one desperate song” by Pablo Neruda.

Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche.  - Pablo Neruda

Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche.  
Escribir, por ejemplo : 'La noche está estrellada, y tiritan, azules, los astros, a lo lejos'.
El viento de la noche gira en el cielo y canta.
Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche.
Yo la quise, y a veces ella también me quiso.
En las noches como ésta la tuve entre mis brazos.
La besé tantas veces bajo el cielo infinito.
Ella me quiso, a veces yo también la quería.
Cómo no haber amado sus grandes ojos fijos.
Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche.
Pensar que no la tengo. Sentir que la he perdido.
Oir la noche immensa, más inmensa sin ella.
Y el verso cae al alma como al pasto el rocío.
Qué importa que mi amor no pudiera guardarla.
La noche está estrellada y ella no está conmigo.
Eso es todo. A lo lejos alguien canta. A lo lejos.
Mi alma no se contenta con haberla perdido.
Como para acercarla mi mirada la busca.
Mi corazón la busca, y ella no está conmigo.
La misma noche que hace blanquear los mismos arboles.
Nosotros, los de entonces, ya no somos los mismos.
Ya no la quiero, es cierto pero cuánto la quise.
Mi voz buscaba el viento para tocar su oído.
De otro. Será de otro. Como antes de mis besos.
Su voz, su cuerpo claro. Sus ojos infinitos.
Ya no la quiero, es cierto, pero tal vez la quiero.
Es tan corto al amor, y es tan largo el olvido.
Porque en noches como ésta la tuve entre mis brazos, mi alma no se contenta con haberla perdido.
Aunque ésta sea el último dolor que ella me causa,
y éstos sean los últimos versos que yo le escribo.

Tonight I can write the saddest lines.

Write, for example, 'The night is shattered,and the blue stars shiver in the distance.'
The night wind revolves in the sky and sings.
Tonight I can write the saddest lines.

I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too.
Through nights like this one I held her in my arms.
 I kissed her again and again under the endless sky.
She loved me, and sometimes I loved her too.
How could one not have loved her great still eyes?
Tonight I can write the saddest lines. 
To think that I do not have her. To feel that I have lost her.
To hear the immense night, still more immense without her,
And the verse falls to the snow like dew to the pasture.
What does it matter that my love could not keep her.
That night is shattered and she is not with me.
This is all. In the distance someone is singing. In the distance.
My soul is not satisfied that it has lost her.
My sight searches for her as though to go to her.
My heart looks for her, and she is not with me.
The same night whitening the same trees.
We, of that time, are no longer the same.
I no longer love her, that is certain, but how I loved her.
My voice tried to find the wind to touch her hearing.
Another's. She will be another's. Like my kisses before.
Her voice. Her bright body. Her infinite eyes,
I no longer love her, that is certain, but maybe I love her.
Love is so short, forgetting is so long.

Because through nights like this one I held her in my arms my soul is not satisfied that it has lost her.
Though this be the last pain that she makes me suffer,
and these the last verses that I write for her.
©1997 "Puedo escribir los versos mas triste." From Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda. Translated by W. S. Merwin, Published by random house U.K. LTD.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Snippets from a pirate's log

Tide, wind, stars and a ship to sail
Shores his heart, his words, his soul
Then parts...

Sweet rum...
Is how to drink and wish to taste
A pirate doses a drink to savor
Words to savor with reason’s past
Taste dreams for delusion certain
Word to savor with heart to last
Taste dreams and bearings certain

Bad weather...
Gale, a storm so strong a squall 
Gusts like furry took its toll
A broken course stood no bearing
In pain to long a shadow sailed
The sea dissolves all
Oh! saline sorrow

Turning rocks....
As winds subside the rain stayed on 
A busking pirate-troubadour stayed calm
Fresh pouring rain splashed sweet verses,
Words like chords blend rhythmic tones
Humming songs of yore to soothe the air
Beware of words that fall on waves 
That when close to shore do brake
Turning rocks that efforts planted

A pirate course is unknown for certain
Though words like wine the pirate drinks
Thirst and pain that swallow hard
A slumbering self is forced to pause
Inebriated and soaked in words he sleeps
Despite sweet words that rained so hard,
The morning sea remains as always; brine

Friday, April 16, 2010

Vancouver - Super Natural British Columbia

About a year ago Gabriela a friend and a blogger (seis de enero) asked many of her friends  from around the world, to write a few words about the city where we lived.  I accepted the invitation and this is what a I sent.

 Hace un año atrás Gabriela una amiga y blogger también (seis de enero) pidió a varios de sus amigos por todo el mundo que escribieran algunas palabras de la ciudad donde viven.  Acepte la invitación y esto es lo que envié

Vancouver, ciudad puerto que me acoge, cobija y retiene. Rodeada del mar, rios y lagos por doquier - con montañas escarpadas que coronan al cielo esmeralda de su aurora. El mar titila el reflejo de alumbrados rascacielos espejados al esplendor de sus nevados. Que por ser puerto es punto de encuentro cardinal de idiomas tan variados como los centenares de parques que adornan sus calles. Tolerante pulsa vibrante y deseosa espera  tu encuentro.

Vancouver a port-city that welcomes shelters and retains me. Surrounded by the sea, rivers and lakes wherever you go - steep mountains crown her emerald morning skies.  The sea reflects the twinkling light of a glass dressed skyline that mirrors her splendorous snow-peaked mountains.  Because she is a port, it is the cardinal meeting point of hundreds of languages resembling the countless parks that decorates her streets. Tolerant, her pulse is lively and longs to meet you.

    And this is Super, Natural British Columbia!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Queen Meets the Druid

The following morning before dawn the Queen guarded by her fairies and elves arrived on the deck of Eaglehook’s ship where the first mate greeted her with great respect pretending he was sober, but easily betrayed by the pungent smell of rum that exuded at every syllable he uttered.  

Eaglehook’s crew consisted of a dozen half-human half ghost creatures who had been cursed to remain in that amorphous state by the wicket witch herself. During the night because of the lack of luminosity, one was able to see their faces pretty much like anyone else’s, but as soon as the day’s first streaks of light appeared, their complexion turned pale and paler, until they disappeared completely as the sun came out. 

She broke the news of their captain’s captivity to which they reacted viscerally reaching for their swords showing their desires to rescue Eaglehook at all cost. The Queen then gathered her royal posture and ordered the uncontrolled dozen to stop the commotion and to stand in formation for her orders. 

Monday, April 5, 2010

Apologies to all rabbits

I was kind of cynical of them on my last post

As I recall, my mom also hid Easter eggs around the house and garden and we looked for rabbits hidden behind furniture, fences and bushes... My recent blogs kind of signals that I am becoming very detached from my childhood years... Am I getting OLD????!!!!
I reacted like a grumpy nonbeliever calloused by the death of Santa, the funny rabbits of Easter and of tooth decaying candy from auspicious tooth-fairies. I will reform and regain my child back... my most sincere contrition for scaring the rabbits!
Enjoy this video featuring the legendary Buggs Bunny and Elmer Fudd (me!)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

In matters absurdity and chocolate eggs, funny rabbits know it all for nothing has changed:

Then too many stood to watch inert
When the trumpets announce a kill
A few feasted in loud cheers
While the crowds stood still to watch nails pierce
As the One who stood tall was fallen dead
And as if all knew be promised forgiveness
They all rather watched him go
Still today many ate chocolate rabbit eggs