Sunday, January 4, 2009

Give Peace a Chance.

"All we are saying is give peace a chance" - John Lennon

This is my first posting in English. I have started my blog on the first day of this year. I don’t have a concrete idea of where I am heading so it is fair to say that at the moment I am drifting with the tides.

Deep inside of me however, there is a character unlike the funny caricature of the pirate I have chosen to represent me in my blogger profile. This person feels more like “Santiago” the protagonist that features in Ernest Hemingway’s novel “The Old Man and the Sea” – perhaps there is a Merlin out there waiting for me that will measure my character… That is what I want to find out.

Unlike the lyric posts that I made in Spanish, this one is VIOLENT, it is about people killing people… it is a bout a senseless insanity that spreads like a plague … Do you have any thought as to how to end this madness? Please share them with me with one condition: DO NOT TAKE SIDES THAT KILL because all sides (that kill) are equally wrong.

Jan 06 - '09
I brought Gabriela's comment here to the front to emphasize her answer with a picture...
Gabriela wrote: "All I know is: an eye for an eye... and we'll all become blind. Apparently and sadly, this is happening. And as I see it, it's all pointless. January 5, 2009 5:36 PM"


  1. All I know is: an eye for an eye... and we'll all become blind. Apparently and sadly, this is happening. And as I see it, it's all pointless.

  2. Check this out:

  3. Thanks Gabriela, ... a painful justice...

  4. Great to see you are blogging in English. My Spanish is not too good...
    As far as I can see violence is never an answer to anything.

  5. Marleen, I plan to make some English entries from time to time and I would be honored by your visits. I am hopeful that the Obama administration delivers a less bellicose approach to international adversity... Albeit justice is crying blood, I am sure that hope is somewhere in the horizon. Thanks for your visit my dearest friend...
